Monday, October 8, 2012

Just for you..

I really do enjoy making BerryWeather sets and BatteryEx skins for everyone to use, and would be happy to make custom ones for those who would like their "own" set.  I take donations for these, so simply BBM, E-mail or comment here and let me know what you would like, and I will  let you know if it can be done.  Then click the donate button and usually within a couple of days, I can get the sets done.

Here are some samples of custom sets that I have made recently:





Social JayDee

Flower JayDee

Go Hockey Go

Social Ria

Atlanta Falcons

Semper Fi

Chevy BatteryEx

Falcons BatteryEx

Brooklyn Nets BatteryEx

Passport "Letter in various colors"

Semper Fi

WWF "Letter and tile in any color"

Yin Yang